Manufacturing of Lucotte parts

From the very beginning, Lucotte figurines had nested arms, the arms having a hole to fit over nipples located under the shoulders. The nipples were then riveted to the hammer to fix the arms, a flat protrusion on the shoulder being then folded down to perfect the fixation.

This feature is one of the easiest ways to identify a Lucotte because it was used until World War II, when Lucotte/CBG began to weld the arms to the body. The head and the haversack were also nested on the body. Sabres, sabretaches, some plumetaches, musical instruments, etc. were welded on the subject.

Using the considerable expertise acquired over the years in the manufacture of lead and tin objects, Lucotte chooses an alloy with a high tin content. This alloy, added to the excellence of the moulds, allowed a great fineness of detail of all the parts. Once nested and soldered together, they gave life to a very realistic soldier. A good decoration, with the right detail, gave a high-quality figurine, although necessarily expensive.

The first 55mm Lucotte represented the infantry and cavalry regiments of all the armies of the time of the Empire, both French and foreign, including artillery and train crews. By changing heads, arms and welded parts, an unlimited number of regiments could be made from a few basic corps and it appears that Lucotte eventually made almost all French regiments and many allied or enemy regiments of the Napoleonic wars.

This synthesis of the history of Maison Lucotte is drawn from
the remarkable work of Mr. JOSEY Lenoir